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理由是: 短信是一种沟通方式,365英国上市官网(大学)可以利用与大学社区沟通. Messages may be delivered to broadcast distributions, targeted groups, or individuals. Broadcast 文本 communications must adhere to Federal Communications Commission regulations, 行业标准, 以及校园协议. 本政策旨在为正确使用广播短信提供指导.


  1. For emergency and emergency preparedness purposes, the university will use broadcast 文本 messaging to provide information to all students, 教职员工, 以及其他与大学有关联的人,他们选择注册接收这些信息.  Except those who have taken previous action to "opt-out" of receiving such notifications. 
  2. For all broadcast 文本 messaging outside of emergency and emergency preparedness purposes, 个人必须“选择加入”(称为“事先同意”),通过选择在网站或文件上接收消息来接收广播短信.  Opt-in is required for the specific message intent, (i.e., 个人不能选择参加校园活动信息,也不能收到关于报名的广播短信).  
  3. 任何授权的大学办公室都可以发送一个语音和一个文本内容的广播短信到一个电话号码,以供选择使用.  If, 在那次交流之后, 通知大学,个人不再希望收到广播短信, 大学办公室或院系必须将该个人从今后为此目的发送的所有广播短信中删除.
  4. 任何授权大学办公室必须定期检查指定接收广播短信的电话号码对个人的有效性. 可以购买外部服务来检查号码,或者发送者可以发送请求,要求个人验证他们是否希望继续接收消息. This step ensures that the number on record is still associated with the person on record. If the number on record is no longer registered to the person on record, the number must be removed from all future deliveries.
  5. The individual receiving messages may be charged a fee to send or receive messages, based on the terms of the individual’s mobile service provider. The University is not responsible for any individual’s fees.
  6. Broadcast Text Messages should generally be limited to a full message in a single 文本, generally no more than 160 characters.
  7. The University is not liable for any delays in the receipt of any Broadcast Text Messages.
  8. 广播短信不得作为传达重要信息或公告的唯一手段. 重要信息被定义为性质紧急或时间紧迫的内容.
  9. OU OU美联社&p# 870软件规范 must be followed for the acquisition of a service for Text Messages.

适用范围及适用性: All Broadcast Text Messages originating from an Authorized University Office, 或代表大学以专业身份行事的任何获授权的大学雇员, 是否包括在本保单范围内. 广播文本消息旨在为所需的通信提供额外的通道.  Except in emerency and emergency preparedness communications, 发送广播短信的目的应符合个人选择接收广播短信时所概述的收件人对短信内容的期望.   


Broadcast Text Messaging and Broadcast 短信: Unidirectional Text Messages sent to a large audience, not intended to generate a response and not intended to be individual personal conversations.  However, implemented systems may support subsequent conversations.

Emergency and 应急准备 Purposes:  沟通目标仅限于以下方面——校园内个人健康和安全面临的迫在眉睫的威胁, which include but are not limited to dangerous persons, 暴力或伤害的威胁, 恶劣天气, 火, and exposure to hazardous materials or contagious illness; as well as unanticipated university closures, campus-wide cancellations of classes, declarations of snow emergencies and broadcast 文本 messaging system tests.  

同意: Permission given in advance of an event explaining the intent of the messaging, with record of permission kept in a database.  Within this policy, the term opt-in provides Prior Consent.

短信: Electronic messages sent through a messaging service, usually sent from one cell phone or a cell messaging service to another individual cell phone. 消息通常是文本的,但有些技术也支持语音、图像和视频消息. 为本政策之目的, 文本, 的声音, 图像, and video messages are collectively called Text Messages.

授权大学办事处: Office and/or Department authorized by the Divisional Vice President.


授权大学办公室在获得大学传播和营销(UCM)的通信计划批准后,可以使用广播短信。. Examples include but are not limited to relaying information about admissions, academic requirements or deadlines, 注册信息, 课程取消, 计费, 经济援助和其他对入学和学生成功有时间敏感性和必要的事项.

认可大学办事处, 与UCM合作, 必须委任至少一名官员,代表所属部门负责监察及批准广播短讯的要求,以确保遵守下列规定:

  1. For emergency and emergency preparedness purposes, 学校将定期更新广播短信接收人的电话号码列表,以确保这些信息能够传达给所有的目标受众,而不会被与学校没有联系的个人收到.  
  2. Except for emergency and emergency preparedness communication purposes, 个人必须事先同意接收广播短信,并确保大学持有的联系信息是最新的.
  3. Authorized officials must abide by all other policies regarding content, 并确保以下几点:
    1. 内容准确.
    2. 措辞恰当.
    3. Tone is casual but professional and ends with a question when a response is desired.
    4. 收件人列表正确.
    5. 广播短信中的信息与个人和/或他们的学习直接相关.
    6. 广播短信清楚地说明了个人需要采取的行动,或者信息对个人的影响,以及联系谁来获得额外的信息.
    7. 个人收到的广播短信数目应适当,以确保他/她会继续视广播短信为重要资料.
    8. Broadcast Text Messages are sent with adequate time for the action or activity.
    9. Periodically verifying the phone numbers used for the delivery of Broadcast Text Messages.
    10. 通过请求删除或发送广播文本信息失败而删除“事先同意”的个人将被立即删除.
  4. 广播短信不得作为传达重要信息或公告的唯一手段. The Broadcast Text Message must be supplemented by some other means of communication, 比如电子邮件或书面通知, 确保所有个人, including those who have not opted-in, 接收信息. 广播短信必须 用于以下用途:
    1. Communicating personal or confidential information.  
    2. Sending general, non emergency information to large populations (e.g.秋季课程周一开始!").
    3. 个人事务(e).g., items for sale, farewell messages).
    4. Appeals on behalf of individuals or groups of students (e.g., 参加社交活动, 文化或体育活动, unless the individual opted-in for 文本 messages regarding these topics).
    5. 发送任何社会安全号码、密码、支付卡号码或任何受FERPA保护的数据.  这些是严格禁止的.
  5. 所有广播文本消息都必须使用适当的标识符标记,以便收件人可以立即识别广播文本消息发送者.  例如, if an authorized official is sending an initial Broadcast Text Message, 开放与, "Hi, it's Chris Smith from OU招生.在随后的通信中, authorized officials may sign off at the end of Broadcast Test Message: "-Chris Smith, OU招生."  
  6. 广播短信应该尽可能简洁(同时在适当的时候保持对话的语气),并且应该直接针对个人.g. “你的财政援助表格要在周五交”,而不是“财政援助表格要在周五交”."). They should include essential points and, if needed, further instruction (e.g. "Check your OU email for full details."). 
  7. 缩写词和常用的信息行话可以根据听众或情况使用.
  8. 大学技术服务必须批准所有消息服务和所有消息软件.


OU美联社&p# 482大学关闭

OU美联社&P #483 Parking Suring a Snow Emergency


OU美联社&P #860 Data Management and Information Security

OU美联社&P #880 System Administration Responsibilities
